Jerusalem, 5 June 2018
It has recently come to light that the Israeli Court of “Justice” – Division of Police Officer Interrogations has dismissed the case brought by the Orthodox Jewish journalist Moshe Blau against the officer who brutally attacked and subsequently detained him, while he was filming police violence during an episode in Meah Shearim last June.
On 2 June 2017, while covering the occurrence, he was thrown to the ground, struck numerous times, and transported by police car to the police station and later to the courthouse, where he was however not charged with any crime and was eventually released.
Mr Blau’s claim against the officer was dismissed for “lack of evidence” despite the fact that there are numerous videos as well as photographs – have been widely publicized at the time and are still to be found on social media and news-sites – which clearly show the violence.
For an article and coverage of the numerous police brutality on June 2, 2017 click here
Here is a video released on June 2, 2017: