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Boy Testifies to Beatings and Interrogation by Police

In an interview, Meir Greenfeld, a 16-year-old Jewish boy from Jerusalem, described how the Israeli police beat him murderously him for participating in a protest on Monday, April 23, 2018 in Jerusalem in response the police night raid that early morning. The police claimed the boy had been obstructing traffic. During questioning, he remained silent and was beaten further.

“My name is Meir,” the boy told reporters. “I’m 16 years old. They arrested me yesterday during a demonstration on Yechezkel Street. They beat me murderously, broke my glasses and arrested me. They interrogated me but I was silent and didn’t reply at all. I have the right to remain silent. There they also beat me murderously. They made me lie down on the floor, and I don’t know what they did to me. It was really murderous blows. It was the police interrogators who ordered them to torture me more.”

This morning, Tuesday, April 24, Meir was released. But he says it will take him a long time to recover from the trauma of the police interrogation room and the injuries he suffered in all parts of his body.


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